Monday, March 24, 2014

Take a good look, Newcastle, 'cause it's the last ti...ah, I'm just kiddin', I'm here to stay!


I'm here to stay, but unfortunately that won't be the case for Elder Mukonda... His mission call is actually to the Kenya Nairobi Mission, and he's been waiting on his visa for the last four months. It could come at any point, so we may have played a joke on him this week, sending him an SMS supposedly from Big Z that it was in. Luckily he's a good sport and we had a good laugh about it. :) Well, lo and behold, we got a call from President this morning, and when I handed the phone to Elder Mukonda, I heard something along the lines of, "I heard that some elders may have played a joke this week that you're visa is in. Well, I'm calling you to tell you that that's reality." So he'll be leaving this transfer to make his way on up to kick Satan's trash in Kenya. Gosh dang it I'm gonna miss him, but I know he's got work to do a li'l ways north!

So this week has been a li'l bit on the cray cray side, both in matters temporal and spiritual. People go on strike fetching all the time in South Africa, and this last week it was the garbage men's turn. This strike left the streets an absolute mess and helped me to understand the importance of garbage men. Every job is important, just as every calling in church is important. The branch president is no more important than the greeter or the audio-video specialist. Speaking of branch presidents though... We told President Mabhena last Monday, "If you ever need help with anything, just let us know!" Usually when we tell that to people, it's an empty offer, but to our great surprise, he took us up on it, and we found ourselves at the chapel 7 AM Tuesday morning helping to fix a broken pipe! Woo, let's hear it for serving our fellow man!

We tried a new finding idea this week. There's a tech college right down the street, and over the course of the day there's a steady flow of students walking back and forth, so we decided to try just chilling outside our boarding with a guitar and piano in hand in hopes that people would approach us and ask about the gospel. Sadly, they didn't. Most people just kinda gave us a look that said, "What are these two hippies in shirts and ties doing playing Jesus songs?" But it's cool. Worth a shot, eh?

Thursday, we went contacting in an area called Ngagane about 10 k's outside Newcastle that President Mabhena is hoping to start a group in. There's one member family currently that stays out there, so we're starting from scratch. We're going to try and make it out there once a week, and our first trip turned out much success! Ah man it's great. It's just this cute, quiet li'l suburb and all the people there are so willing to talk to us. Missionary work is so much more fun when it's not people that throw their hands up when they see Mormons and yell "not interested!"

So a couple highlights this week... We were watching videos? I think... I dunno, but they were to help us learn how to find through Family History, when who should appear on the screen other than Elder Raphael Johnson! I about jumped out of my seat screaming, "THAT'S MY COUSIN!" So that was pretty cool. Hapha if you're reading this you should shoot me an email sometime!

Our zone leader Elder Armstrong died this week, so we got to say our goodbyes to him. Man... Mission's a weird time of life. So many people come into your life and then leave just as quickly. It's easier if you look at it as "see you laters" instead of "goodbyes." Said final see you laters to Elder Stengile too. Man... Too many of my favorite missionaries are going home. But it's ok, it's their turn to find beautiful daughters of God to marry and mine to sing the song of redeeming of love!

And last but not least... Remember that soul I was supposed to save last week? Man, our lesson with this investigator was powerful. President Uchtdorf came to the rescue with a talk that answered so many of his questions! The church is true as ever my friends, and I'm so grateful to get to share it with the world! Sala kahle this week my friends. Stay positive, love your lives.

Much love,

Elder Johnson

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